The curriculum is delivered by an excellent team of teachers who are professional and committed to the children they teach. Please see pdf list at the bottom of the page.
Heath House Prep School works to the 11+ entry to Secondary Schools. It has an excellent academic record to leading independent and grammar secondary schools.
Heath House takes note of the spirit and content of the National Curriculum, combines these within its own work programme and derives inspiration and breadth from the resources of London. The subjects the children study at Heath House are many and diverse.
In our Early Years Department the children work within 7 areas of learning, all equally important and extremely valuable to future learning. Each area will be accessible for all children and reflect their learning at all times. Prime areas of learning are: Communication & Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social & Emotional Development. The 4 specific areas of learning are: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts & Design.
The subjects children take from age 3 (Kindergarten) are as follows:
- English
- Maths
- French
- Science
- Geography
- History
- R.E
- Trinity College Graded Exams (Musical Theatre/Poetry and Prose)
- Music
- Drama
- Art
- Design and Technology
- Mandarin Chinese
- Physical Education
- P.S.H.E/Citizenship
In addition to the above, children in Years 3 to 6 take the following subjects:
- Spanish
- Classical Studies (part of History lessons)
- International Studies (part of Geography lessons)
Years 3 to 6 take Verbal Reasoning and Non Verbal Reasoning within English and Maths lessons respectively.
Year 6 also have an introduction to Ancient Greek included in their Summer Term timetable.