‘Work Hard and Play Hard’
‘Give me a place to stand and I will move the Earth’ - Archimedes
All children are introduced to and understand the school’s ethos – ‘Give me a place to stand and I will move the Earth.’ With that in mind, and with a further inclusion of the school motto ‘Work Hard and Play Hard’, the children develop a strong sense of self-worth with the added value of a work ethic which ultimately is reflected in their achievements.
Heath House believes:
- in the all round child who will progress to the next stage of education with self esteem, self confidence and resilience.
- in good manners, that a child will at all times be courteous and thoughtful towards those whom he/she meets, where qualities of kindness, honesty, tolerance and consideration are essential pre-requisites for a child's development.
- in physical fitness and in the striving for excellence in sporting endeavour. We believe in competition conducted within the rules of a game, fair play and in good sportsmanship.
- in the individuality of the child, that each child be encouraged and treated fairly according to the range of abilities and his/her particular needs.
- in equality of opportunity and treatment between the sexes, different age groups, nationalities and creeds.
- in ambition and hard work as honourable and vital qualities.
- in independence and self reliance - that children be taught to look after themselves and others, to cope and hold their own, in any situation.
- that a child should be taught the skills of personal organisation so that progress is not hindered through inefficiency and that maximum benefit be derived from all challenges and opportunities.
- in happiness firmly rooted in the child's belief that he/she is appreciated, loved and understood.
In this way a child's potential may be wholly realised while remaining happy at school.